We are back !

The website www.colocationaparis.com is back online.

“ On the road again ", " We're back ", " The return »: so many ways to tell you that we're back and it feels good. Five long days without you, we missed you terribly.

What happened ? Our host was attacked and was unable to restart the site for us. Instead of drowning our sorrows in alcohol or slashing our veins with rusty razor blades, we took matters into our own hands. On this balmy September morning, we put on our Ryan Gosling jacket, adjusted our bucket seats and restarted the engine.

Buckle your seat belts, shared accommodation in Paris is back.

By the way, we are very flattered by your (numerous) messages of support:

I hope you come back soon… it’s a really good site, Ruta

We hope to see you back on your feet very soon!, Jivan

We got off to a strong start thanks to you, thank you again for that. We learn from our mistakes, it seems. We have done what is necessary to avoid this type of situation again. We are counting on you to continue to follow us, you are beautiful, we love you.

For the more curious, you can read this article on zdnet which explains our problems with our host in recent days or even contemplate the mess on Twitter. Do not hesitate to contact us also, via our contact page.


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