1. Preamble

“Colocation in Paris” is a website whose main objective is to connect people wishing to share a living space (ie. accommodation) in a shared accommodation mode.

The site is accessible at the address http://colocationaparis.com and is open to any natural person wishing to register.

“Colocation in Paris” provides registered users with all the services allowing free communication between users (exchange of private messages), free publication of information (ads, images, comments, public profiles), participation in events related to shared accommodation (outings, evenings, meetings). The list of services is not exhaustive.

2- Purpose of the CGU Application of the rules of this document

The purpose of this document is to define the terms and conditions under which, on the one hand, “Colocation à Paris”, hereinafter referred to as the PUBLISHER, makes the site and the services available on the site available to its users. and on the other hand, the way in which the user accesses the site and uses its services.

Any connection to the site is subject to compliance with these conditions.

For the user, simple access to the PUBLISHER's site at the URL address indicated in the preamble implies acceptance of all the conditions described below.

“Colocation à Paris” is free to modify the T&Cs at any time and without notice, in particular with the aim of anticipating or taking into consideration any legal, jurisprudential, technical or editorial developments. The user is presumed to refer to it systematically at each connection.

The T&Cs are concluded for an indefinite period and are therefore applicable for the entire duration of the user's registration on the “Colocation à Paris” site.

3- Intellectual property

No reproduction, even partial provided for in article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, may be made of this site without the authorization of the publication director.

4- User registration

A user wishing to register undertakes to:

  1. provide true, accurate, precise, complete and current information on their identity and contact details in accordance with article 6-II of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.
  2. Maintain this information up to date so that it remains compatible with requirement 4.1.

In particular, a registered user undertakes not to usurp the identity of others.

When registering, a user is given, by e-mail, connection identifiers which follow the validation of their account either by validation of the e-mail address or by the explicit validation of an administrator of “ Shared accommodation in Paris”.

These identifiers are personal, individual, confidential and therefore not transferable to any other party. Any use of identifiers by the user is made under their entire responsibility. Therefore, any use of the services via these identifiers will be deemed to be made by the associated user and therefore their exclusive responsibility.

5- Access to services

The publisher strives to provide access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the PUBLISHER, and subject to possible breakdowns and interventions. maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the site and services.

Consequently, the PUBLISHER cannot guarantee availability of the site and/or services, reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided for the user, whether by electronic or telephone means.

The publisher cannot be held liable in the event of it being impossible to access this site and/or use the services.

Furthermore, the PUBLISHER may be required to interrupt the site or part of the services, at any time without notice, all without right to compensation. The user acknowledges and accepts that the PUBLISHER is not responsible for interruptions, and the consequences which may result therefrom for the user or any third party.

6- Responsibilities of “Colocation in Paris”

The PUBLISHER cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this site.

6a- Content moderation and editorial control

Any content published by users is the sole responsibility of the author. As a result, “Colocation à Paris” declines all responsibility for this type of content.

“Colocation à Paris” does not exercise any editorial control over the content published by its users, which is limited to hosting this content. Generally speaking, Au Troisième does not endorse any content, opinion, opinion or recommendation expressed by its users.

However, “Colocation à Paris” reserves the right to moderate the media (in particular images and videos) published by its users for the following technical reasons:

  1. The media is too large; excessive consumption of the technical means of “Colocation in Paris” by the said media may lead to its deletion without notice.
  2. The display of the media harms the readability of the site's content;

6b- Illicit content

“Colocation à Paris” is required, in application of law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, to delete any illicit content within the meaning of article 6-I-3 of the law previously cited.

7- Personal data

“Colocation à Paris” does not trade in personal information provided by its users.

In accordance with law nº 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 (known as the “Informatics and Liberties law”), the user has a right of access and rectification of data concerning him and “Colocation in Paris” undertakes to cancel any processing of this data as soon as the user has expressed himself for legitimate reasons through the contact form at contact@colocationaparis.com.

8- Applicable law

Both this site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of a possible dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to find an amicable solution, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear this dispute.

For any questions relating to these conditions of use of the site, you can write to us at the following address: contact@colocationaparis.com

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